100 Years Ago: Parcels for Prisoners, Ad for Gillette, Ad for Red Rose Tea

The Intelligencer June 27, 1918 (page 3)

“Parcels for Prisoners. A notification has been received from the British authorities to the effect that the parcel post service for prisoners of war in Turkey or Bulgaria is at present suspended. Until this service is resumed no parcels can be forwarded to prisoners of war in Turkey or Bulgaria and persons desiring to help prisoners of war in these countries are advised to forward remittances to them. These can be sent by means of post office money orders which are issued free of commission.

Particulars as to how to proceed may be obtained from postmasters of accounting offices. Any parcels for prisoners of war in these countries which may be intercepted in the course of transmission will be returned to the senders, providing the name of the senders is given on the parcel.”

The Intelligencer June 27, 1918 (page 4)

Ad for Gillette

“S.O.S. Soldiers of the Soil. Your S.O.S. Boy goes to do a Man’s Work. Give Him a Man’s Razor!

His keenness to serve as a ‘Soldier of the Soil’ is not the only sign that your boy is approaching manhood. Look at his chin and that ‘stiff’ upper lip!

He would have needed a razor even if he had stayed at home this summer—and in the vigorous outdoor life he’s going to, he’ll need it even more.

Give him a Gillette Safety Razor—the one the older soldiers Overseas prefer, and millions of men at home are using every morning.”

The Intelligencer June 27, 1918 (page 5)

Ad for Red Rose Tea

“War times are teaching us that there is no economy in buying the cheapest goods nor the fancy high priced ones. We are depending on the solid values of the good standard brands—the brands that were good in peace time and have doubly proved their worth in war time.

Red Rose Tea—costing today only about ¼ of a cent per cup—is one of the solid war time values that anyone can afford—and that everyone will enjoy.

It is truly a war time tea.”